Apart from reducing our dependence on highly polluting fossil fuels, we strongly promote the reduction of nuclear waste.
Our Plan:
Promote the R&D of nuclear waste disposal with advanced accelerators to produce fast neutrons that dispose nuclear waste.
Nuclear Waste Disposal Technology:
Currently, new types of accelerators can transform uranium nuclear waste that has been harming the earth for hundreds of thousands of years into materials with a half-life of 200 years. It can even convert it into fuel when it is processed! Accelerator-driven subcritical systems (ADS) have been internationally recognized as the most promising technical approach for nuclear waste disposal, which will resolve the thorny issue of safe global nuclear waste disposal once and for all.

Current Nuclear Waste Disposal
The high energy proton beams generated by these accelerators are used to bombard the heavy core with a wide energy spectrum, and high flux neutrons are used as an external source to drive the continuous chain reaction of the fissile material in the sub-critical core. Eventually the highly radioactive nuclides become non-radioactive or short-lived radioactive nuclides and maintain the reactor’s operation. Accelerator-driven subcritical systems are internationally recognized as the most promising technology approach for nuclear waste disposal.