We are committed to developing and delivering quality healthcare to the world. Dr. Yeh collaborated with the international team of experts to promote the overall planning, equipment construction and technology research & development of the high-tech cancer medical center, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT).
In order to benefit cancer patients worldwide, G P Yeh Foundation, IPT, and Fermi National Lab jointly develop BNCT treatment center. Dr. Yeh led IPT's top-of-the-line research and medical team to evolve an extraordinarily accurate, precise, and targeted radiation cancer therapy that utilizes the cutting edge technology of the accelerator for BNCT. Out of the 18 million new cancer patients annually, 3 million (17.7%) of these patients could receive BNCT, a safer and more effective treatment.
The Benefits of BNCT
During BNCT’s cancer treatment process, the boron-10 drug selectively targets tumor cells. The patient is irradiated with a neutron beam of energy, creating nuclear capture and fission reactions, which destroy targeted tumor cells with minimal effect on the surrounding healthy cells.
BNCT is ideal for patients who are unfit for surgery, conventional radiotherapy and chemotherapy due to their old age, symptom complications or weak physical conditions. BNCT sessions are short, painless, wound-free, and more affordable, and overall less burdensome physically and financially than proton therapy.