World Sustainable Energy

We are working to help the world on the development and promotion of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydrogen, bio-energy, marine and other new energy applications. We also promote safe and sustainable power generation with new Thorium energy that uses advanced accelerators to replace the current dangerous uranium nuclear power generation.

Energy Generation from Thorium

The only safe and best alternative to uranium nuclear power is thorium energy from the new ADS accelerator (Accelerator Driven Subcritical System), which does not have a chain reaction of its own. Thorium must react with neutrons from the accelerator to produce fissile fuel in the form of fission.

Introduction of Characteristics:
  1. Safety

    Once the accelerator is turned off, the conversion reaction stops. So the thorium energy is very safe.

  2. Prevention of Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    Thorium 232 does not turn into plutonium 239 through nuclear reactions like uranium 235. All the world's nuclear weapons come from uranium 235 or plutonium 239. The use of thorium energy can effectively prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

  3. Indissolubility

    Thorium is abundant in deposits. The world's reserves of thorium is 4 times more than uranium, and currently only 0.7 percent of all uranium reserves are used for nuclear power, creating a shortage. A ton of thorium produces as much energy as 200 tons of uranium or 4 million tons of coal. The thorium on Earth can produce enough energy to meet human consumption for thousands of years.

  4. Low Nuclear Waste

    Thorium produces a very small amount of nuclear waste, which is one ten-thousandth of uranium, and its half-life is only one to two hundred years. Thorium is much safer compared to the vast amount of nuclear waste produced by uranium nuclear power, with the half-life of at least a few hundred-thousand years.

  5. Low Cost and High Scalability

    Traditional uranium nuclear power requires the separation of uranium 235 and uranium 238, and then concentrated natural uranium 235, which is not only high cost but also needs complex safety and protective measures. On the contrary, the thorium ADS accelerator is a simple low-cost structure, which makes it very economic. Small modularization thorium reactors can provide electricity to a ship or a small remote village, a large thorium reactor can provide power for many big cities.